Thursday, April 30, 2009

Biodiesel processor

Biodiesel is usually obtained from vegetable oil that is considered to be the most economical source of producing bio diesel. The biodiesel so produced contains energy called biodiesel energy. The bio diesel energy can be used for several purposes. However, the main use of biodiesel energy is made by engines of vehicles.

Biodiesel can be produced from vegetable oil in a biodiesel processor. A biodiesel processor is a combination reaction vessel. In this a static mixer is used with esterification catalyst which is sulphuric acid. The mixer is used to mix methanol and vegetable oil. In a reactor fatty acid are esterified. In the second reactor, a process called transesterification is carried out. In the third mixer, products that are solvent in bio diesel, glycerol and methanol are obtained. A mineral acid is used in a distillation unit separate the products. Once this is done, the products left in the vaporizer are bio diesel, glycerol, salt and water. These are then passed into a decanter to separate bio diesel from other products. The biodiesel is purified in vacuum evaporators. This purified bio diesel is then used as a source to provide biodiesel energy.

The production and use of biodiesel energy is increasing in the world. The production of biodiesel at present is an expensive process but with the development of new technologies and innovations these costs can be reduced to make biodiesel energy a cost effective source of energy.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Solar power technology

Solar power is the energy that we get from the sun. This energy can either be obtained in the form of heat or in the form of light.

A major issue that is often faced is how to collect and harness solar power. A number of technologies are available today that can be used for exploring the full potential of solar power.

The various solar power technologies available are Solar cells, heaters and furnace. The solar cells are also known as photovoltaic or photoelectric cells. Solar cells are devices that convert sunlight into electricity. Solar cells are mainly used in remote areas with sufficient sunlight to meet the electricity needs of that area. Solar water heaters are also called solar collectors. They are usually installed on roofs of buildings. Solar collectors are made up of glass panels which use the heat energy of the sun to heat water. Solar furnaces use reflectors like mirrors that are properly placed in order to concentrate all the sunlight at a single point. This concentration of heat at one point results in very high temperatures to be generated. This heat can then be used to generate electricity, creating hydrogen fuel or to melt steel.

The amount of energy obtained from the sun in the form of solar power is very small. However, it is sufficient enough to meet the electricity needs of the entire planet for a very long time. Efforts therefore need to be made in order to develop technologies that can capture solar power efficiently and improve its usage.

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Wind Power- An Introduction

Wind is produced by the uneven heating of the earth’s surface, by the sun. When the sun shines during the day, the air, over landmasses, gets heated more quickly than the air over water. The warm air over land expands and rises, and the heavy cool air, over water, moves to take its place creating local winds. At night this process is reversed. Wind is called a renewable source of energy because wind will be produced as long as the sun shines over the earth.

Wind power has been a source of energy since long in traditional forms but its sophisticated use was first made in Netherlands. Wind power is generated by wind mills. The wind mills capture wind which is used to rotate turbines and thus generate electricity. This generated electricity is used to pump water in wells for irrigation, for lighting houses and streets and for use in small units of industries.

Electricity generated by wind power from a single wind mill cannot be used for commercial purposes. Therefore, a number of wind mills are erected over a large area known as a Wind Energy Farm. The wind power from such a farm is used to generate electricity that can be used on a commercial scale.

Average wind speeds need to be calculated since different wind mills are suitable for different speeds in different terrains. The design and construction of wind turbines rotated by wind power can be adapted to suit a specific location and the end use of the electricity generated by wind power.

Wind power is a commercially competent source of generating electricity at low cost.

Wednesday, April 15, 2009

Geothermal Power

Geothermal Power has huge benefits over traditional sources of energy; this power is highly beneficial for environment. Geothermal Power is more reliable as it generates no pollution. Underground reservoirs bring hot water to surface from underground wells in order to generate electricity. Increment in greenhouses gases, acid rain and harmful toxins are the common consequences of burning of fossil fuels. In contrast to this, Geothermal Power is a clean alternative that is eco-friendly.Geothermal Power Plants offer benefits for human beings as they provide electricity for long time, same is not the case with nuclear power plants. In rural areas, Geothermal Power promises huge opportunities for employment.

Prices of electricity may fluctuate in case of conventional power plants but Geothermal Power Plants provide electricity at constant prices. The cost of developing Geothermal power Plants is also less and for a businessman this thing is desirable. Most of the developed countries of the world now know the importance of Geothermal Power Plants and these countries are looking forward to this option. According to some famous facts, industries that are into Geothermal Power Plats they pay huge taxes and these taxes are very accommodating for economic development. From employment point of view, these industries also employ huge workforce. Flowers can be grown, fishes can be raised and heat to buildings can be given through the heat of Geothermal Power. District cooling, spas, aquaculture, agricultural processes are the areas where Geothermal Power can be applied. So, Geothermal Power is environment friendly alternative and this power can be put to multiple uses.

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Alternative power resources

Alternative power is generated from the alternative sources of energy like sun, wind, tides, water etc. The alternative power resources are freely and readily available. These resources can be reused as they are renewable and are replenished by nature. The alternative power resources are pollution free and do not affect the environment adversely. These resources are biodegradable and result in sustainable growth and development. Alternative power resources do not release any toxic and harmful particles into the atmosphere and do not contribute to global warming in any way. The use of alternative power resources is both cost effective and reliable.

There are many alternative power resources available and these can be easily and conveniently put to many uses.

Solar power is one of the most important and widely available sources of alternative power. It is the most commonly used resource that can be easily harnessed. Solar power can be used for heating water, generating electricity and for creating fuel to power vehicles.

Biomass power can be obtained from decomposed remains of animals and plants. The biomass power as an alternative power resource can be used for generating power for homes or cars.

Wind power is a reliable and viable alternative power resource for generating electricity that can be used for powering homes or for use in industries.

Hydro electric power is another alternative energy resource that can be used to generate electricity by using the energy present in water.

Another important alternative power resource is geothermal power that can be used for generating electricity.

Alternative power resources
can be used efficiently for several purposes.